Wednesday, April 8, 2009

It's been a long time since I said something.

Well I started this blog with the full intention of posting something at least once a week. Of course if you know my habits or shall I say the lack there of, I fell pretty good that I haven't totally given up on this crazy idea. That would be crazy with a capital 'K' as in crazy as a Koo Koo Clock.

I'm not one for hiding the fact that I am bipolar, however, I really don't know if I can use that as a sheild to hide behind for not staying the course. Actually in all likelyhood my little chemical embalence is partially to blame but then there is my own method to my madness. I just haven't figured out what it is exactly but I do find myself coming back to most of my unfinished tangents sooner or later.

I guess the real irony in this particular journey is how my pragmatic self sees this as a waste of time, whereas, my sparatic self sees this as a test of many sorts for which I have no logical explanation. Or at least any atempt in me trying to explain what I am thinking for all the world to see, even if no one ever visits this lonsome place, I am not about to hang my inner thoughts about as I might do so in the comfort of my room.

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