Saturday, June 13, 2009

Time To Get in Gear.

I recently bought four cheap D rings, the kind they sell for key rings and other such uses, not the kind you would trust to hold your weight while climbing a mountain. No I needed something to help me attach the belts to my camera stabilizer. I hate it when you have to make a hack for something that the manufacture should have done correctly in the first place. Anyway I can now unatach my stabilizer harness with ease. That is one less thing to worry about before I get ready for Comic Con.

I also read Love and Murder, which is a two part graphic novel about Wonder Woman, written by the New York Times best-selling author Jodi Picoult. As a person who is more familiar with Marvel comics a friend suggested that I read this story because they felt it would be a good example of what I am trying to address in my documentary. I have to say she was spot on, and I hope she will afford me the opportunity to get an interview before I leave for San Diego.

What I found so interesting about this particular story is how in depth the female characters were in their perspective roles. The writer, and maybe it's because she's a woman or it's just her style, puts you inside the main character and builds a world that is as real as the one we live in. The metaphors for being a supper hero or in the case of two of the characters in this story who both happen to have the ability change their outward appearance, well, it starts to reinforce my own opinion that many of the comics we read today are more than meet the eye. They are reflections of the world around us and a way for some stories to be told without political reprisal.

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